Rethink Everything

Reach Your Full Potential

Chance and circumstance give shape to most of our life. We drift aimlessly through life thinking we know better without ever stopping to ask: If I start with the premise that I know nothing, what is the best way to live my life?


Rethink Everything

Reach Your Full Potential

Chance and circumstance give shape to most of our life. We drift aimlessly through life thinking we know better without ever stopping to ask: If I start with the premise that I know nothing, what is the best way to live my life?


The Foundation



Your lifestyle consists of your everyday life. The behaviors that dictate where your life goes is shaped by the environment. If you don't have your behaviors in line nothing else matters. This is the core of whether you will reach your full potential.


The culture all around you impacts you far more than you realize. To reach your full potential, you need to learn from the culture around you. This adds the depth needed to understand whats around you.


Reaching your full potential includes experiencing the nature around you. So many things can be gained from science, but being closer to nature gives us a deeper understanding of our lives. Science solidifies our foundation and allows us to build off of it.
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Mastering Our Life

Mastering our lives starts with figuring out what makes up our life. We need to figure out the building blocks of our lifestyle to know how to build from there. Our lifestyle is built on three main components: Health, Wealth and Wisdom. These three things will dictate what our lives become. Mastering these three components requires us to truly understand their role and prioritize their importance. Doing this will allow us to master our life.


Understanding Our World

Understanding our world allows us to live more cultured lives. It adds depth to the world we live in. To reach our full potential, it requires us to see ourselves relative to the world and the times we live in. The three main components for culture are: Thought, Power and Transformation. Learning these three things allow us to understand our place in the world and to make better decisions based on that.

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Experiencing Our Nature

To truly experience our nature, we need to master science. By understanding nature we can experience it on a deeper level. Understanding our origins and how we relate to it gives us the ability make sense of the deeper questions in life. To master science, we must focus on the three main components: Matter, Structure and Logic. This is not an easy endeavor, but this will give us the wisdom that will help us reach our full potential.


Everything in this world is interconnected. It all depends on everything else. The level of complexity only grows and prevents from easily separating each as a separate entity. Finding the perfect balance and unlocking the map to find our way through this world is the greatest journey we can go on. Utilizing the foundation above, we search for the path that it leads us to. This is The GeniusTrinity Theory. That our lives have the equivalent of The Theory of Everything is what The GeniusTrinity Theory is based on. It is an ever evolving theory of how to live a good life. This page will constantly be updated and allow you to see where the theory stands today.

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